Wooden coffins

Wooden coffins

The death of a loved one is not only a painful experience and a huge loss.

It is also a necessity to quickly make important decisions related to burial.

There are many funeral companies on the market that offer comprehensive support in organizing the last farewell, but it is worth paying attention to a few details to ensure a decent burial.

Which casket should you choose?

One such element is choosing the right casket. Generally are chosen wooden models - they are durable, aesthetic, elegant and universal, and thanks to easy wood processing you can give the casket many interesting forms and shapes.

If we decide to choice of wooden casket, it is worth paying attention to type of wood - because its durability depends on it. Very popular are:

  • Oak wood - they are distinguished by exceptional durability and mechanical resistance; relatively heavy; decomposes for a long time in the ground,
  • Pinewood - it is lighter and less resistant to mechanical damage and destruction than oak wood (hence it is usually cheaper than oak); they are distinguished by their ease of processing, which allows the production of coffins of many different forms and shapes; Pine wood is also a beautiful, light color and excellent aesthetic.

The choice of wood for the production of the casket

Do coffin production is also used alder, Beech, świerk, and birch. As you can see, not relevant, is it deciduous or coniferous tree. More expensive versions are made of foreign genres like for example jacaranda or ebony. If we want to be sure that the casket will not lose its properties despite the passage of time, it is worth making sure that it is made of solid, durable wood, as well as covered with appropriate impregnants and protective layers.

What are the types of coffins?

Wooden caskets can be made in many shapes, size and color versions to choose (depending on the selected wood species). They are traditional, simple, modest models, as well as decorated with metal fittings, elements of material and even decorative crystals. Versions are also available gloss or matt.

Examples of coffin making machines.

Below is a list of basic carpentry machines that can be used to start the production of wooden coffins.

  • milling machine - to obtain the appropriate finishes of wooden elements
  • format saw - to accurately trim the patterns
  • thickness - to give the right height of the processed material


  1. Hello.
    What set of machines do you need to start producing coffins?
    What else can you advise when it comes to choosing machines. The cost of my investment in machines is about 200 ...

    June 9, 2020
    • In the article, we have provided examples of the machines needed for the production of coffins. For details, please send us an email ( biuro@mar-masz.pl ) and present exactly what you want to get for the product. The material you want to work on, what dimensions, shapes, etc., etc. 🙂

      June 9, 2020

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